It’s time to rethink growth.

Food systems are broken. They contribute massively to – and suffer from – climate change, water stress, soil depletion, deforestation and many other interrelated issues.

Climate change and nature loss are the biggest challenges we currently face as a society. The COVID-19 pandemic and the current geopolitical uncertainty have illustrated that all these challenges are interconnected, and that our global systems are ill-prepared for shocks. We need transformation at scale, and focus on innovations which can best lead us towards regenerative systems.

Global food systems are accountable for

  • 31 30 20 10
    of GhG emissions
  • 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
    of biodiversity loss
  • 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
    of deforestation
  • 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
    of freshwater use
  • 33 30 20 10
    of food loss or waste

We are a Swiss-based venture capital firm, impact by nature & tech-driven.

We believe in the transformative power of technology. We only select nature-positive technologies offering the right speed and scale, driving capital where it’s needed the most.

But this is not enough. Impact is embedded in our mission, across our processes and behaviour. It’s part of our DNA. We apply an impact framework to all our investments. We build our approach based on the standards developed by the Impact Management Project (IMP) with additional criteria focusing on the concept of additionality of the technology and the commitment of the founders.

Check our White Paper

The result of our strategy is financial performance & impact, without compromise.

A three-step approach to impact

We identify nature-positive technologies that have the potential to accelerate the transformation of global systems. They must be scalable to bring solutions where it’s needed the most, and make structural change happening. We select technologies that should be recognized by technical experts and studies. They must positively benefit nature and society from a mid to long term perspective and be able of being adopted by a majority of targeted stakeholders.

We back companies that have the right mindset and are ready to commit to net-zero carbon emissions, efficient use of resources and protection of biodiversity. The companies and their managers must show commitment to deliver impact and to promote sustainable development. It must be embedded in their vision, values and activities.

Ultimately, we implement an impact action plan with each venture based on decarbonization, biodiversity protection, efficient use of resources, etc. We will define with the company unique metrics to measure over time. As an active shareholder, we proactively contribute to monetization of impact and to growth of the venture’s business.